The Sabbath Is For Man- Exodus 20:8-11 God instructs Israel to honor the Sabbath day by keeping it holy—setting it apart. The seventh day, Saturday, was to be a day of rest from labor. Toil was to be done in six days. On Saturday, the people were not to work themselves, anyone, or anything else. They were to rest. God rested... Continue Reading →

Do Not Take God’s Name in Vain- Exodus 20:7 (Daily Devotional) God instructs Israel not to take His name, Yahweh, in vain. The Hebrew word translated as “take,” here ((נסא, means to raise up, exalt, or carry—literally covering every way in which God’s name can be taken—merely spoken, used in praise, or carried as the name of a people (e.g. Israel, Christian). To do anything... Continue Reading →

Daily Devotional- Exodus 20:4-6 Along with having no other gods besides Yahweh, Israel is not to make any idols. Of course, if the people obey the first commandment and worship only Yahweh, they would not make idols anyway. Toys, statues, and images are not always idols. What makes these items idols is our service to them as if... Continue Reading →

Daily Devotional: Exodus 20:1-3 God gives Moses the Ten Commandments. The Ten Commandments are a summary of the whole Law. God first describes who He is and what He has done. His own character and action are the bases for the imperatives. God identifies Himself as Yahweh, Israel’s God. As Israel’s God, He brought Israel out of Egypt... Continue Reading →

Daily Devotional: Exodus 19:18-25 There are many things we see here in Exodus that translate to the apocalyptic imagery we find in books like Daniel and Revelation. For instance, God “comes down” in the storm or in the clouds. He is coming to His people. He responds in thunder. There are earthquakes. Trumpets resound at His coming. All... Continue Reading →

Daily Devotional: Exodus 19:1-8

God now covenants with the nation of Israel, after saving them out of Egypt and bringing the people to Himself (Exodus 19:4). Like we saw with Abraham, the call to obedience follows the gift of salvation. In Abraham’s case, salvation was the gift of righteousness—credited to him on the basis of his faith. In Israel’s... Continue Reading →

Daily Devotional: Exodus 18:17-27

Jethro implores Moses to delegate some responsibility because Moses’s way of doing things is not sustainable. He will wear out, or burn out, himself and the people of Israel. Moses listens to Jethro’s advice. There are many good applications to make from this part of the text, even knowing that it is narrative and descriptive.... Continue Reading →

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