Seeing the Kingdom of Heaven

Have you ever seen God? Some of you will answer by telling me how you see God working or how you see God in nature or people. Those things are not God Himself. I will venture to guess that you have never seen God. Yet, we believe He is. A vast majority of people on... Continue Reading →

Bearing False Witness and Loving Justice- Exodus 23:1-9 This set of laws promotes truth in society. The people were not to bear false witness, neither favoring the poor nor rich nor taking bribes. They were not to make false charges against others or misrepresent them. What is God’s goal? He desires to teach His people what it means to be just. We... Continue Reading →

When Will There Finally Be Justice in the World? /Revelation/

The four cherubim have presented their testimonies concerning the current condition of the world in the First Century: Jesus is conquering the world.Peace has been taken from the earth.The earth is given to consumerism.People are dying and going to Hell. As Jesus continues to break the seals on the legal document He has received... Continue Reading →

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